THIS Artist Wants a "SHINER" like the one

THIS Artist Wants a "SHINER" like the one
in the PORTRAIT! POW...he's gonna get it!

Monday, June 26, 2017

TRUMP WON But Holdovers In "Deep Bleep" Keep Leaking & Dems Russia Obsessed

As of June 26, 2017 bad news has trickled out from "New Healthcare too much like OLD MESS" to several reasons WHY this one will THANKFULLY not pass either. An UNDER-REPORTED ONE is: This PDF has circulated on TWITTER and explains WHY California (AND other states that extended Medicaid) CAN and WILL RUIN the new LAW if it passes at all. California APPEARS to WANT for no apparent raesomn ... to provide healthcare for ILLEGAL ALIENS but not get MONEY directly from the US Government. Oh no...California will PRETEND to obsorb expenses for ILLEGALS on California Medicaid THEN sneak MONEY from other sources which the gov't will reimburse them. Other sattes, seeing Obamacare would GO BROKE FAST IF swimming with Pre-existing CHAINS OF EXPENSIVE UNcovered and under-PAID...transferred these over to Medicaid. NOW Medicaid is FOOTING THE BILL and Obamacare survived FOR A FEW MORE DAYS... Another PITFALL is "coverage UNTIL 26 of "children" which CHILDREN'S healthcare FAILED MISERABLY in...wait for it...HAWAII! One would THINK that a US POTUS "born" in Hawaii would KNOW and be KEEPING UP WITH this but Obama did not NOTICE or DID NOT care. Hawaiians STAYING SILENT? They are for the MOST PART...DEMOCRATS so their SILENCE and warnings were IGNORED or never happened. ALL THIS bodes POORLY and hopefully this MESS will get TOSSED and NOTHING would require things to return to the NORMAL before Obamacare. As is ALL is ensnared in a hopeless GNARL of Senators wanting CRAP that was in Obamacare...AND MADE IT FAIL MISERABLY despite STATES unloading Obamacare UNDESIRABLES...EXPANSIVE undesirables...ONTO Medicaid. GEE without MEDICAID...CHARITY would provide HEALTHCARE and OLD PEPOLE could pay extra for PART B and hopefully NOT use it allowing this to offset NEW Healthcare WITHOUT Medicaid.

1 comment:

  1. Will holdovers be professional & non-partisan or "see the light" that Trump is OK? A few but many have "the FEAR". Thus leakers and whistle blowers will get their bribes or revenge for being so partisan Democrat that they fear the left and will not back what's right.
